Poetry from Greg Hill

GENESIS, Initial Chapter


Original images via morgueFile.

(pattern plainly bearing seventh longest lingual figures)

1 Opening: Firstly, CREATOR created heavens astride planets. 2 Terrain existed without pattern: chaotic, lacking. Shadows colored hellish seaways. 3 CREATOR thought: Observe! Visible shining swiftly emerged. 4 CREATOR noticed visible shining, thought: Radiant! CREATOR divided shining against dimness. 5 CREATOR labeled shining Daytime. Dimness CREATOR labeled Shadows. Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

6 CREATOR thought: Bazinga! Animate, heavens! Animate, seaways! Isolate heavens besides seaways, abysses besides abysses. 7 CREATOR created heavens, divided covered seaways against topmost seaways. Objects thereby emerged. 8 CREATOR labeled heavens…Heavens. Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

9 CREATOR thought: Beneath heavens, convene seaways towards precise bearing, uncover drained terrain. Objects thereby emerged. 10 CREATOR labeled terrain Earthly. Seaways CREATOR labeled Oceanic. CREATOR admired efforts, blurted: “Whoopee! Objects looking awesome!” 11 CREATOR thought: Advance, grasses, kernels, berries, flowers. Objects thereby emerged. 12 Earthly terrain yielded grasses, kernels, berries, flowers. CREATOR admired efforts, blurted: “Whoopee! Objects looking awesome!” 13 Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

14 CREATOR thought: Advance, glowing beacons. Measure daytime against shadows, signals marking diurnal periods, marking seasons, marking annuals. 15 Develop whereby beacons betwixt heavens sparkle against earthly terrain. Objects thereby emerged. 16 CREATOR created several massive sparkly objects—greater, stellar rondure leading Daytime; smaller, evening rondure leading Shadows. Besides, CREATOR painted shining beacons, distant stellar objects — pulsars, perhaps. 17 CREATOR painted shining beacons betwixt heavens, shining athwart earthly terrain. 18 Besides, beacons divided Daytime against Shadows. CREATOR admired efforts, blurted: “Whoopee! Objects looking awesome!” 19 Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

20 CREATOR thought: Seaways, produce copious animals, deliver dynamic variety, besides soaring animals gliding athwart earthly terrain, tangent heavens. 21 CREATOR created immense oceanic animals — marlins, belugas, monster jellies — copious animals besides. CREATOR admired efforts, blurted: “Whoopee! Animals looking awesome!” 22 CREATOR exalted similar animals, shouted: “Produce! Produce! Satiate seaways. Produce athwart earthly terrain.” 23 Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

24 CREATOR shouted: “Present animals — donkeys, caribou, buffalo; serpent animals — worming, snaking, coiling animals — besides beastly animals.” Animals thereby emerged. 25 CREATOR created beastly animals: donkeys, caribou, buffalo; serpent animals: worming, snaking, coiling animals. CREATOR admired efforts, blurted: “Whoopee! Animals looking awesome!”

26 CREATOR shouted: “Observe! Hominid animals!” — bipedal sapiens. Looking similar, thought CREATOR. Kindred towards Ourself — roughly kindred, perhaps. Present hominid animals supreme thought ability, keeping mastery towards oceanic animals; towards soaring animals; towards beastly animals; towards serpent animals besides. 27 Therein, CREATOR created hominid animals; manlike besides womanly, CREATOR created. 28 CREATOR exalted bipedal hominid animals, shouted: “Produce! Produce! Fulfill destiny. Produce athwart earthly terrain. Control earthly terrain. Command oceanic animals, soaring animals, beastly animals, serpent animals besides.”

29 CREATOR shouted: “Observe! Hominid animals, receive grasses, kernels, berries, flowers. Consume! Consume! 30 Beastly animals, soaring animals, serpent animals — wherein animals present, consume herbage!” Thereon, animals feasted. 31 CREATOR admired earthly objects, between squeals blurted: “Whoopee! Objects looking awesome!” Evening through morning equaled ensuing diurnal measure.

[English Monarch Version sourced.]

Greg Hill is a writer and voice over talent in West Hartford, Connecticut. He has an MFA from Vermont of College of Fine Arts. His poems have appeared recently in Black Heart Magazine; Verse Wisconsin; and Queen Mob’s Teahouse. His creative writing endeavors are not inspired by working a desk job in some media company’s web department.

1 Comment

  1. zanncarter says:

    Wow…..writing looking awesome….whoopee!

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